Hi girls!
last week kiko sold its new nail polish!!
i love all the new shades, but i bought only four of them.
I will wait for sales for other colors!
Here what i bought:

and today i will make you see the number 345 'verde giada'

I love the color, even if it is similar to layla ceramic effect n 24, but I prefear this one.
I needed two coats and not a long time to dry.
it is four days I have it on my nails and it is not broken, so i appreciate the duration.
it doesn't cost a lot and it is an aspect I appreciate =)
So my rewiew is positive!
- color : 4.5/5
- drying: 4/5
- duration: 4/5
- coats: 4-/5
VOTE (4/5)
Please visit also my youtube channel to see the tutorial using this nail polish!

Hello Elena,
RispondiEliminabeautiful nail Kiko.
I follow your blog.
I'm leaving the link on my blog if you want to follow me.
Hello Elena,
beautiful enamels.
I will follow your blog.
I'm leaving the link on my blog if you want to follow me.
bellissimo blog..
RispondiEliminaio ti seguo.. se ti va passa nel mio!!
Hello, very nice your nail art.
RispondiEliminaI also have a blog and a facebook page .. if you pass go take a look .. and become a follower
my blog: brillidilucenailart.blogspot.com
my facebook : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Brilli-di-luce-nail-art/145985712125801#!/pages/Brilli-di-luce-nail-art/145985712125801?sk=wall
bye bye
RispondiEliminaYou and I have messaged before in Youtube, & I have replied to you a little bit ago. I just clicked your blog & it's really nice. I don't think we have this Kiko nail polish close to where I live. But from your pictures, they are really pretty colors.
Wow, beautiful job on your Tiffany & Co. nails. You draw really well. I wish I can draw as well as you. :) I'm sure lots of people love your creativity & appreciate it. Keep the good work up! :) Hope it's ok with you, I'm gonna click "Follow" to read more of your blog posts.
@pretty girly nails: thank you for compliments and for being a follower! i appreciate it a lot! ad you said, i don't think kiko ships abroad, i think you can buy kiko nail polishes only in Italy, but you can find similar colors of others brand ^^