
kiko n 223

Hi! You probably have already seen the nail polish i will make you see today in that video:

And as you can see it is really strange color.
I'm talking about kiko n 223 nail polish.

I have to say I LOVE IT! It is too particular. Sometimes it seems tohave pink shades, while other times it seems just brown. I cannot define it.
The driing is quite fast, and also the duration.
At the end, you need just 2 coats (3 as max).
You know I love kiko's colors!!

  • color:       5- / 5
  • duration:      4 / 5
  • driing:       4- / 5
  • coats:       3.5 / 5

VOTE   ( 4  / 5 )

4 commenti:

  1. Ciaooo :) purtroppo questo colore non mi piacciono tanto ma della KIKO preferisco i colori pastello perchè più coprenti! però complimenti per la recensione cara !

  2. Ho questo colore e mi piace tantissimo.

  3. I LOVE Kiko polishes!! I wish I had easier access to them!

  4. I have this color! =D


I love all your comments <3